This course is for individuals who are interested in expanding their knowledge base and technical skills about Microsoft Project. The course begins with the basic concepts and leads students through all the functions they’ll need to plan and manage a small to medium-size project, including how to level resources and capture both cost and schedule progress.
- Understanding the purpose of using MS Project 2013
- Using MS Project 2013 to define your working environment
- Using MS Project 2013 to create and plan for your project scope
- Using MS Project 2013 to plan for and manage your project resources and schedule
- Using MS project to cost and budget your project
- Using MS Project to track and measure your project performance
- Project managers starting their career paths
- Project managers using other tools such as Primavera and looking to learn MS Project
- Project managers looking to increase their skills of using MS Project
- Managers
- Introduction: what is project management
- Project Life Cycle & Project Phases
- Work Breakdown Structures
- Characteristics of Good Project Management
- Time Management & Schedule Development
- Gantt Chart
- What is MS Project
- Naming the project
- Selecting the project scheduling method (Forward/ Backward)
- Setting the project start/end dates
- Setting the project calendar and working times
- Choosing manual vs automatic scheduling
- Creating the WBS
- Creating project tasks
- Sequencing tasks
- Defining and setting resources
- Defining and working with the CP
- Looking for and identifying over-allocated resources
- Leveling Resources: manual vs automatic
- Identifying and setting schedule constraints
- Costing the project
- Budgeting the project
- Tracking Project Performance
- Setting the Baseline for a project
- Updating the project progress
- Monitoring and controlling schedule
- Performance measuring using the Earned Value Management
- Overview on project reporting
- Overview on different project views
- Formatting your project