The aim of the ACLS course is to establish an internationally recognized standard of practice for cardiopulmonary resuscitation throughout the hospital. The objective of the course is for the participants to have knowledge and skills required to efficiently perform their role in a cardiopulmonary arrest situation. Participants will learn how to detect a cardiovascular problem, and how to apply appropriate life-saving treatment.
- Recognizing and treating the deteriorating patient using a structured ABCDE approach
- Treating cardiac and/or respiratory arrest
- Caring for the deteriorating patient or patient in cardiac and/or respiratory arrest in special circumstances
- Leading a team, work as a team member, and use structured communication skills
- Healthcare professionals
- Doctors
- Nurses working in critical care areas or in the resuscitation
- Medical emergency team
- Paramedics
- Medical students
- ALS in perspective
- Causes and prevention of cardiac arrest
- Acute coronary syndromes
- ALS algorithm
- Cardiac arrest algorithm
- Suspected stroke algorithm
- Post resuscitation care
- Decisions relating to resuscitation
- Cardiac Arrest Simulation Demonstration
- Adjuncts to CPR
- Monitoring physiologic parameters during CPR
- Ultrasound during cardiac arrest
- Advanced airway placement choice
- Clinical assessment of tracheal tube placement
- Antiarrhythmic drugs during and immediately after cardiac arrest
- Overview of extracorporeal CPR
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Cs1 : +62812 2554 2418
Cs2 : +62857 2459 5005