As the medical industry is experiencing a tremendous demand for individuals with knowledge of medical office operations, which includes diagnostic and procedural coding and insurance forms processing, this profession is listed as one of the fastest growing professions in allied health. This course gives the basic information needed to know in order to get started in medical billing and coding. It gives participants practical, easy-to-follow coverage and advice in order to stay competitive in the field It also covers the laws and other regulations participants will encounter in their work.
- Displaying a working knowledge of medical terminology
- Understanding the differences between different insurance types and reimbursement methodologies
- Explaining the rules for maintaining privacy of medical records and protected health information
- Performing tasks associated with billing and reimbursement
- Performing traditional business office tasks for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and bookkeeping maintenance
- Demonstrating a proficiency in diagnostic and procedural coding using the ICD-9,10
- Medical office administrative staff
- Individuals interested in working as a medical coder in healthcare settings
Getting to Know Medical Billing and Coding
- Introduction to medical billing and coding
- Exploring the billing and coding professions
- Weighing employment options
The Basics of the Medical Profession
- Compliance: understanding the rules
- Medical terminology and medical necessity
- Getting to know the payers
Keys to Becoming a Professional & Certified
- The path to certification: finding a study program
- Signing up and preparing for the certification exam
Dealing with the Difficult Job Details
- Honing in on how to prepare an error-free claim
- Accounting
- Handling disputes and appeals
- Keeping up with the rest of the world
Working with Stakeholders
- Dealing with commercial insurance claims
- Client relations and coding ethics
- Common billing and coding mistakes
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training
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