The major topics include understanding key elements of conducting research such as how hypotheses are developed, design of empirical research, practical issues related to conducting research and thinking about the role of research design in data analysis and interpretation. In addition, topics such as ethical issues, research presentation and writing styles will be covered.
- Evaluating the key paradigms in health research
- Developing an appropriate research strategy in response to a health issue or problem
- Selectively applying key epidemiological and statistical principles and methods to the work situation
- Critically appraising and analysing quantitative and qualitative data
- Critically evaluating published research articles, health and health service related reports and documents
- Public health professionals
- Doctors
- Health promoters
- Health policy makers
- Medical researchers
- Those who wish to broaden their understanding of research devised for health care
- Integrated Research
- Research paradigms – the debate about qualitative and quantitative- advantages and disadvantages of each
- The necessity for both in health research
- Complementarity of quantitative and qualitative methods
- Finding the evidence; literature searching and systematic reviews
- Ethics in research
- Quantitative Research (Part I)
- Introduction to epidemiology and statistics
- Introduction to basic concepts, and working with data
- Summarising data, measures of central tendency and variance
- Properties of a Normal distribution
- Probability and the concepts of risk
- How to formulate a research question, and develop a Null hypothesis
- Categorisation of study design
- Retrospective versus prospective; observational, descriptive
- Experimental; controlled versus non controlled
- Homodemic versus heterodemic longitudinal versus transversal
- Introduction to Descriptive studies
- Correlational studies, Cross sectional studies and surveys
- Case reports and Case series
- Populations and samples
- Quantitative Research (Part II)
- Main types of sampling techniques, - advantages and disadvantages of each
- Standard error and the relationship between this and sample size
- Hypothesis testing basic parametric tests, and nonparametric tests
- Concept of 95% confidence intervals and p values
- Incidence and prevalence
- Standardisation of data
- Correlation and regression
- Types of studies, Cohort studies and relative risk
- Case control studies and odds ratios and intervention studies (RCTs)
- Assessing the quality of published studies
- Bias and confounding
- Bradford Hill Criteria
- Qualitative Research (Part I)
- The nature, scope and development of qualitative research
- Types of questions best answered by qualitative research
- Designing qualitative research projects, including ethical issues
- Carrying out observation, interviews and focus groups
- Participatory and action research
- Qualitative Research (Part II)
- Managing qualitative data and an introduction to data analysis
- Trustworthiness in qualitative research
- Writing up and presenting qualitative research
- Systematic reviews of qualitative studies
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