This course imparts participants with the basic concepts of primary health care (PHC), methods for analyzing the relationship between primary health care and other elements of health systems. Upon completion of the course, the trainee will be able to identify and describe the issues and the specific challenges involved in the management of primary health care and programs.
- Evaluating the concept of PHC, including comparison of vertical vs. horizontal / comprehensive and a project vs. hierarchical approach to PHC
- Appraising PHC interventions including the role of Global Health initiatives in the development and management of PHC programmes
- Reviewing the role of community and other health workers and government and non-governmental organisations and communities themselves in a PHC setting
- Designing an appropriate PHC intervention for the middle income countries' context
- Health and Social Services Professionals involved in or leading projects
- Community driven project managers
- Public Health project leads
- Executive Directors
- Those undertaking unique projects
- Organization department heads
- Senior executives with business planning responsibilities
- Systems and operational leads and personnel
- Types of public health care programs
- Healthcare programs for children and families
- Healthcare programs for cdults
- Healthcare program senior/aged people
- Healthcare program for people with disabilities
- Priority setting in PHC
- Essential/basic healthcare packages
- Community diagnosis
- District health system
- Access to essential medicines
- Context setting
- Trends in Multi-drug resistance (MDR)
- Trends in new diagnostic methods
- PHC issues in intensive care units (ISU)
- Awareness of healthcare workers
- Potential donors for public healthcare policy programs
- Community participation
- Inter-sectoral cooperation
- Financial management
- Accountability and monitoring in healthcare programs
- Healthcare quality management issues
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silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Cs1 : +62812 2554 2418
Cs2 : +62857 2459 5005