This training course helps participants to advance their career in medical administration. They'll gain a firm grasp of medical and scientific terms used day-to-day in hospitals, GP surgeries and other medical settings. In this course, participants will gain the skills to communicate effectively and manage staff, processes and healthcare resources at all levels.
- Understanding roles and responsibilities to be followed for medication reminders, medication assistance and medication administration
- Being familiar with skills and knowledge needed for medication administration
- Appropriate training for the caregiver to ensure safe medication administration
- Discussing current health care delivery system as it relates to the economics, accessibility and overall health of the population
- Doctors
- Health managers
- Those who are working in a primary care and social care environments
- Those who are interested in a career in administration
- Those seeking to familiarize themselves with hospital management health administration
- Introduction to Health Insurance
- Life Cycle of an Insurance Claim
- Introduction to Healthcare Reimbursement
- Bundles
- Health Care Reform/economics
- The Clinical Coding Reimbursement Connection
- Healthcare Insurance Plans
- Government Sponsored Healthcare Programs
- Automate communications, billing and insurance payment
- Managed Care Plans
- Prospective Payment Systems
- Reimbursement issues
- Coding for medical necessity
- Tricare
- Workers’ compensation
- Salaries and fringe benefits
- Ambulatory payment systems
- Revenue cycle management
- Quality Issues
- Risk aversion
- Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)
- Patient-centered medical homes
- Pathways
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training
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Cs1 : +62812 2554 2418
Cs2 : +62857 2459 5005