This course covers theory, detection, health effects, and regulation of ionizing radiation. Particular emphasis is on compliance with federal regulations in the occupational setting. Upon completion, participants should be able to aid in implementation of a radiation protection programs in an industrial or institutional setting.
- Differentiating between ionizing and nonionizing radiation.
- Describing the different types of ionizing radiation.
- Describing the health effects of differing dose ranges of ionizing radiation.
- Performing basic dosage calculations for exposures to ionizing radiation.
- Demonstrating familiarity with different methods of evaluating radiation hazards.
- Implementing basic control measures for limiting exposure to ionizing radiation.
- Locating appropriate NRC and OSHA exposure limits.
- Demonstrating familiarity with regulations for the transport and disposal of low level radioactive waste.
- Workers
- Paramedics
- Project engineers
- Safety and risk managers
- Supervisors with safety and health responsibilities
- Facility personnel who are involved in implementing standards for safety instrumented systems
Radiation Physics:
- Atomic structure
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Particulate radiation
- Ionizing vs. nonionizing radiation
- Sources of ionizing radiation
- Interaction of radiation with matter
Radiation Dosage:
- Measures of activity
- Measures of absorbed dose
- Internal vs. external exposures
- Health effects: acute
- Health effects: chronic
- Health effects: genetic
Assessment of Radiation Hazards:
- GeigerMuller counter
- Scintillation detectors
- Measurement of dose rates
- Personal dosimetry
- Monitoring for contamination
Radiation in the workplace:
- Radiation safety programs
- Training
- Personnel monitoring
- Personal protective equipment
- Procedural controls
Shipping, Storage and Disposal:
- Transportation
- Storage
- Disposal
- Regulatory considerations
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