This interactive course is designed for all those responsible for safety, whether they are based on land or at sea. It shows them how to carry out operational risk assessments and incident investigations.The issues relating to accident and incident investigation are fully discussed including different investigation methodologies, interview techniques, witness reliability and the production of investigation reports.
- Understanding the concepts of risk management and risk assessment
- Developing risk management approaches
- Facilitating application of the concepts in real-life situations, using Risk Management procedures and relevant documentation
- Applying Accident / Incident investigation and the Root Cause Analysis techniques using the Loss Causation model and Causal Factor Charting methods for improving risk management processes
- Supervisors
- Managers
- Executives
- Everyone whose duties involve assessing and managing their company's risk.
- Those who need to understand and participate in the decision-making processes that affect their day-to-day and long-term operations.
- Understanding of concept of Risk
- The reasons for conducting Risk Assessment
- What Risk Assessment covers
- The Risk Management Process
- Legal duties and obligations around Risk Assessment
- Hazard Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Control and Mitigation
- Assessment and Risk Control Measures
- Company-specific procedures for Risk Assessment
- Involving employees and communicating findings
- Investigation Traps
- Results of an accident investigation
- Investigative results
- Accident
- Near Miss Incident
- Incident Investigation Process
- Incident Pyramid
- Root Cause Analysis
- The “5 Whys”
- Accident Theories and their application
- Causation Model
- The Causal Factor Charting method
- Experience Modification Rate
- Controlling Accident Costs
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silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Cs1 : +62812 2554 2418
Cs2 : +62857 2459 5005