Signalling System No.7 is commonly known as SS7 and sometimes referred to as C7. SS7/C7 is a system used to implement signalling and protocols for telecommunications networks. SS7 supports both fixed-line and cellular networks. This course covers in-depth analysis of SS7 signalling, architecture, services, and performance monitoring issues and tools
- Overviewing public switched telephone networks (PSTNs)
- Exploring signalling systems, associated terminology and concepts
- Explaining the C7/SS7 protocol stack for both cellular and fixed line systems
- Planning the integration and testing of new SS7 applications
- Assisting in the design of new mobile network applications and services
- Explaining how to navigate C7/SS7 standards
- Explaining how to analyse the C7/SS7 protocols
- Understanding and navigate service protocol standards (INAP, CAMEL and MAP)
- Telecommunication engineers
- Technical development and support professionals involved in the support and implementation of networks and services
- Those professionals involved in the design and implementation of next-generation telecommunication solutions
- Signalling overview
- Signalling and its purpose
- History of signalling
- In-band/out-of-band signalling
- Subscriber versus network signalling
- Analog/digital network signalling technologies
- Analog/digital access signalling technologies
- SS7/C7 signalling standards
- PSTN and signalling
- Overview of PSTN components
- Signalling between the components
- Network hierarchy
- Evolving the PSTN to the Next Generation Networks (NGNs)
- Channel associated signalling (CAS)
- Common channel signalling (CCS)
- CCS versus CAS
- Modes (Associated/Quasi-Associated/Non-Associated)
- SS7 network architecture and protocols
- The SS7/C7 protocol stack against the OSI model
- SS7/C7 functionality overview
- SS7/C7 based services and supplementary services
- SS7/C7 network elements (SSP, STP, SCP)
- SS7 network architecture versus C7 network architecture
- Link/Route/Traffic management
- Service Switching Points (SSPs)
- Signal Transfer Points (STPs
- Service Control Points (SCPs)
- Intelligent Peripherals (IPs)
- Service Nodes (SNs)
- Service management and creation
- Message Transfer Part (MTP)
- Overview of MTP
- MTP types/classes
- MTP 1 functions/services/issues
- N. American T1 versus European PRI E1 Carrier
- Digital TDM Hierarchy for N. America versus Europe and Asia
- MTP 2 functions/services/issues
- MTP 2 Overhead, Message Signal Unit (MSU), Link Status Signal Unit (LSSU)
- MTP 3 functions/services/issues
- MTP 3 Overhead, Service Information Octet (SIO), Sub-Service Field (SSF), Service Indicator (SI)
- Link error detection/correction and methods used for monitoring
- Link management, transmission priorities, initial alignment issues
- Selected topics in SS7
- Service-oriented protocols
- Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP)
- Telephony User Part (TUP)
- National User Parts (NUPs)
- Narrowband ISDN User Part (N-ISUP)
- Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP)
- Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP)
- Customisable Applications for Mobile Enhanced Logic (CAMEL)
- Mobile Application Part (MAP)
- SS7/C7 over IP
- SS7/C7 security, testing and monitoring