Workflow is the detailed execution of a business process, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. Workflow Management is an essential component of business improvement initiative such as corporate re-engineering, business systems developments, e-commerce, e-government, quality management, compliance and business process improvement and management. In this training seminar, the participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to discover, define, and manage process workflow. Participants will learn the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) method of workflow diagramming and modelling. This method is an open modelling standard that can be used to document workflow across a wide variety of industries. It can easily be understood by both business and technical people and is used by a number of leading workflow and modelling automation tools. The training seminar also provides a set of workflow design principles and measurement techniques that can be used to improve and manage workflow performance
- Understand key workflow concepts
- Discover and define workflow in an organisation
- Define the scope of a business process workflow
- Objectively analyse process workflows
- Capture and model the details of an existing workflow
- Apply a set of best-practice principles to improve and automate workflows
- Implement workflow improvements
- workflow analysts and designers
- Business staff
- Compliance staff
- Process owners
- Business and systems analysts
- Information technology professionals
- Quality specialists
- Workflow improvement project leaders and project team members.
Introduction to Workflow
- What is Workflow?
- The Importance of Workflow in an Organisation
- Workflow and Enterprise Architecture
- The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) Workflow Reference Model
- Discovering Workflow using Interviews, Workshops and Observation
- Documenting Workflow Scenarios
- A 6-Step Workflow Improvement Methodology
- Practical Discovery Work
Defining and Analysing Workflow
- The Components of a Business Process Workflow
- Establishing the Boundaries
- Identifying Workflow Levels
- Analysing Inputs, Flows, Decisions and Outputs
- Identifying Resources and Business Rules
- Measuring Workflow Performance
- Practical Analysis Work
Modelling Workflow using BPMN
- An Introduction to Developing Workflow Models using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
- Modelling the Core Model Elements
- Activities, Flows, Events and Decisions
- Extended Workflow Modelling Notations
- Workflow Patterns
- Modelling Collaborative Workflow
- Practical Workflow Modelling Work
Improving Workflow
- Identifying Improvement Opportunities
- Workflow Design Principles
- Moving from As-Is to To-Be Models
- Describing Improvements using Workflow Models
- Practical Workflow Improvement
- Simulating Workflow
Implementing and Automating Workflow
- Implementing Improved Workflow
- Getting Support for Your Improvement Initiatives
- The Nine Critical Success Factors
- Understanding Automated Workflow
- Moving from the Workflow Model to Automated Workflow
- The Future of Automated Workflow
- Monitoring and Managing Workflow
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