- Within today’s competitive market, there is a growing recognition of the need for research and evaluation. The casual and informal research conducted earlier are no longer effective. Instead, there is a great need for more scientific approach. In this course, participants will learn the methodology of conducting precise and effective research to evaluate the performance of PR department and its impact on the company’s performance.
- Measuring PR effectiveness
- Identifying the PR Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
- Breaking the PR measurement and evaluation deadlock
- Learning how to improve measurement
- Selecting an approach to collect data representing desired media coverage
- Managers
- Supervisors
- HR Officers
- Public Relations Officers
- Any one interested in this field
- How PR works
- The need to measure PR Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
- Why isn’t PR researched and evaluated?
- Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE)
- New metrics in practice
- Program outputs
- Program outcomes
- Business outcomes
- Tools and methods most use to measure PR
- Micro-measuring vs. macromeasuring overview
- Advertising
- Customer Relations
- Sponsorships
- Channel activity
- Annual Perception
- Audit/Brand survey
- Media Analysis
- Audience survey at events
- Reader survey half yearly
- Cognitive dissonance theory
- Social media metrics
- Analytical tools
- Visitor data
- Engagement data
- Outcome data
- Best Practice models for PR research
- Unified Evaluation Model
- PR research methodologies
- Development of financial PR programs
- Critical evaluation of financial PR function