Active community partnership projects between corporates or governments and the communities in which these operate aim to co-create societal impact, which in return will positively affect business and governance. This Strategic Community Relations training seminar aims to provide managers, professional leaders, policy makers, academic professionals and all employees to acquire in-depth insights and hands-on knowledge on how to best create shared value for communities and businesses alike. This training seminar will not only dispel myths relating with community engagement but will also focus on how to manage community stakeholders effectively to ensure a ‘win-win’ and to prevent conflict whenever possible.
This training seminar will highlight:
- The reasons why every company should take into account the environment and communities surrounding their business operations
- How to define and devise a community strategy for your company
- Different approaches to community engagement from a corporate perspective
- Why correctly engaging key stakeholders will be key to sustainable growth within a company
- How to measure, evaluate and report corporate community programmes
- Better understand the role of organisations in managing community relations
- Discern the different areas of meaningful impact organisations can have in the communities they operate in
- Develop meaningful stakeholder engagement techniques
- Learn how to analyse and report impact and why this is important
- Executives involved in strategic and operational functions
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practitioners at all levels
- Business Operations Managers
- All Personnel involved in communications, business strategy, community relations, governmental affairs
The Communities We Operate In
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) vs. Community Engagement
- Understanding the Importance of Community Engagement
- Defining the Corporate Community Involvement Mission
- Identifying Key Stakeholders
- Stakeholder Expectations of Our Organisation
- Assessing Impacts and Pre-empting Risks
- Reputational Impact
Integrating Community Involvement into the Business
- Integrating Community Involvement into the Business
- Environmental Issues
- Health and Safety
- Local Procurement
- Education
- Capacity Building
- Reputation Management
Practical Steps for Community Engagement
- Developing Engagement Programmes
- Engagement Techniques
- Corporate Communication with the Communities
- Presenting our Organisation to the Communities We Operate In
- Budgeting
- Practical Exercises in Community Dialogue
Types of Community Programmes
- Community-Driven Projects
- Social Contribution Projects
- Supporting Neighboring Communities in Case of a Disaster
- Corporate Giving and Foundations
- Connected Leadership
- Employee Involvement
- Manage Cross-sector Collaboration
Measuring, Evaluating and Reporting Corporate Community Programmes
- Goal Setting and KPIs
- Measuring Success of Our Initiatives
- Integrated Reporting
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training
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Cs1 : +62812 2554 2418
Cs2 : +62857 2459 5005